Simplicity, mixed with
warmth, with a tint of darkness that surrounds creatures of the dark, yet, all
is engulfed in a set of what we call mere mundane emotions.
Today we present you with Natsume Yuujinchou a heartwarming anime that touches on topics that appear simple at the first glance but have rather intricate and deeper meanings when inspected carefully. Natsume Yuujinchou is a mere high school boy who can see yokai.
“Been there, done that. Not interested!” Those might be the first thoughts that cross your mind.
Well trust me on this one, if you discard the anime from just reading my first lines, then you are letting go of one of the most simple, beautiful and moving anime you will ever lay your eyes upon.
So let me ask you this and I hope you answer me truthfully:
you ever been so tired that you wanted
to turn your laptop on and watch a simple heartwarming anime that is not too intricate with its plot to leave you with a headache like the BIG ANIME, yet
has at the same time depth, heartwarming feeling, and character development that will not leave you agitated ?
if “YES” is your answer then you can carry one reading. If “NO” is your answer
then you can ALSO carry on reading :3 !
"Thank you... for not growing to hate humans."
Plot: Natsume Yuujinchou is a very
plain anime at first sight, that tells how one boy gets his hands on his late grandmother’s
Book of Friends and releases a demon called Madara from his seal who later
becomes his bodyguard only until Natsume dies; the latter promises to hand him
The Book of Friends as a price.
The Book of Friends contains the name
of yokai whom his grandmother defeated in the past which makes the demons
indebted to Reiko and hence, Natsume the owner of the book.
So what is so amazing about this
anime? The anime is
13 episodes (season 1) , which tells several encounters with major Yokai. Some are trying to find their names, yet others
have ripped the veil that separates humans from yokai and are seeking to have their wishes granted.From love, to simply the desire of not
being forgotten to various other themes that are simple, yet, humane in nature,
the anime will tackle.
Although many might underestimate it, the
loneliness, the beauty of friendship, the forbidden love between humans and
Yokai, the depleting feeling of anger, sorrow, loss, and more importantly the
feeling of isolation are only some of the themes weaved into such a so-called
plain anime.
Who would have thought that someone
can actually present Yokai in a very "human" and fragile nature? Apparently, the
mangaka and the anime succeeded in doing that.
Other than Madara ( who sometimes takes the form of a cat ) and Natsume there
are several characters whom we encounter as the episodes roll. I will refrain
from delving into their pasts, fears, and simple desires. Yet, although some
get only an episode to retell their story, the latter can be quite deep on
several occasions leaving you speechless. One remarkable encounter (season
one) is when deities lose all their followers. This makes you wonder what really
happens to them as people stop believing.
Editor’s side note: To be honest some episodes left me
speechless, others left me jumping out of satisfaction, peace and warmth, yet,
some were quite sad that made me tear up. YET, I assure you I did not cry.
To me it was more moving than Clannad, Clannad After Story, or even Angel
Beats. [ GO figure! In addition, the last three anime stated did not even move
me :P ]
Remarkable, lovable, and very touching
at times ! Check out the lyrics when you get some free time ~!
Final Comments: I love the anime, and season 2 and 3 are currently torrenting. The music leaves me speechless, the anime leaves me wanting and yearning, more like extending my hand into the characters' hearts and wanting a place between them, and by the end of the day I am left with the resonating warmth that the anime leaves behind. It is and will always be memorable and warm!
It is a 10 for me because it is such an undiscovered yet valuable gem to those who know that beauty is not something that is discovered by the eyes yet by the heart <3 !